Aries Full Moon Journal 9/29/23

Welcome to the beginning of a new tradition. A newsletter of astrological tarot musings, with self care rituals to accompany.

The Ritual

A powerful practice to work with during this time would be to release the fire in our hearts. Scream, cry, sing, dance, shake - get primal! Our body knows what we need. Our only work is to listen and allow. 

Honey Mallow is a great ally in this seasonal transition, providing strength and hydration to our changing skin. The rose honey offers the perfect medicine for our tender fiery hearts.  When our founder, Aviva, dreamt up this healing balm, it was for skin that was raw and redness prone— perhaps over-expressing internal inflammation or over-reacting to external triggers. Honey Mallow brings some big Libra energy to balance the fire of Aries that when left unchecked, can become untamed and destructive.

The Reason

This Friday, we have the full harvest moon in Aries. This full moon comes just a week after the autumn equinox, a brief moment of perfect balance between light and dark. The long days are waning and the long nights grow closer. We can feel them coming in the changing light and crisp winds. We are Persephone making the last harvests in preparation for our descent into the underworld. 

We are straddling the Libra/Aries axis with this lunation, as the Libra sun will be opposite the Aries moon. This energy is about finding balance in our relationship to self (Aries) and to others (Libra). It is not about Me versus We, but rather, how can we honor our need for independence AND inter-dependence. Aries is our passion, anger, ambition and ego. Without a healthy ego and anger, we forget who we are and lose the will to fight for the lives that we want. 

Meanwhile, Libra is our desire for relationship, communication, harmony and beauty. We cannot live life alone as the solitary “I don’t give a fuck about anyone” Aries. We need the sweetness of Libra to nudge us towards others, so we can build community and in turn, experience growth within ourselves. But every zodiac sign has its underbelly. The shadow side of Libra is the potential to lose ourselves in others.  Perhaps we are scared to be alone and so we distract with unfulfilling relationships. Or maybe we are not using our voice because we fear confrontation.

This full moon is happening for us, not to us. It is an opportunity to see ourselves clearly with compassion and curiosity. Full moons are always illuminating moments of revelation and change.  

The tarot card that I pulled for this lunation is the Ace of Wands. The wands in Tarot represent the element of fire which symbolizes creativity, passion and intuition. The wand of fire (Aries) is being gifted to us from the air (Libra). This card reminds us that we must reach out, seize the moment and use our voice. The Ace of wands is a messenger of growth and opportunity. The Ace doesn’t want us to think too hard, it wants us to act upon our desires. This archetype is concerned with the intuition that resides in our heart, the subtle pulsing of truth just below the surface of our ruminating minds. 

We leave you with the question, how can you unburden your innate creativity this full moon?

Mull it over in the bath <3

Jenna Diliberto is a herbalist, medicine maker, tarot reader, astrologer, educator, gardener and artist living in the Catskills. Email to inquire about booking a reading or workshop.


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